Is your dog ready to take the heat? With the mercury rising and spring almost here, summer will soon be knocking on our doors. Pets, especially dogs, demand a lot of care with the weather change. As a responsible dog parent, it is time for you to prep up and take the right care of your dog. Knowing the common health problems that may affect your pooch this season is the best way to get started.
1. Fleas and Ticks
Every year, hundreds of pet parents approach pet care hospital for dogs to get the fleas and ticks removed. These invaders feed on your dog? blood and can lead to serious health issues. Make sure you comb your dog? fur thoroughly every day and check their mouth, neck, ears, and chin areas for any presence of these parasites. Symptoms include excessive itching, rashes, bleeding, and loss of hair.
2. Sunburn
Just like us humans, the harsh sunrays affect the skin of the dogs too and sunburn is a significant health issue in pet dogs. Pooches with short fur and light hair are highly susceptible to developing sunburn when exposed to sunlight for extended hours. When going out, it is important that you provide your pet with shade to rest during the day. Symptoms include dry skin, redness in the affected area, whimpering, sharp reflex to touch, and excessive scratching.
3. Dehydration
The hot and humid atmosphere takes a toll on dogs? health and they lose water content. The condition is easy to identify as dogs with low water content are often lethargic, weak, have dry skin, shortness of breath, and sticky gums. The condition can be treated at home by offering cold water to the dog. However, if the symptoms are severe, you must contact a credible pet hospital for the right treatment and care.
4. Heat Stroke
Young pups and old dogs cannot bear the hot sun and can get heat stroke. High body temperatures, dizziness, and excessive whining can be a sign of heat stroke. Pet owners must be very careful about the rising temperature and try to provide them with cool spaces.
5. Lyme disease
It is a tick-transmitted disease in dogs. When the dog gets tick infestation, the parasite can transfer Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria through the bite. Treating tick infestation at the earliest is the best way to prevent this disease in dogs. High temperatures and damp dog fur make perfect ground for ticks to breed and feed on blood which means they bite the dog more and higher are the chances of Lyme disease. Symptoms include constant fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, lameness, stiffness, swelling in joints, and more.
All the above-mentioned diseases can easily be treated at a pet care hospital in Gurgaon for dogs. All you need to do is be attentive to your dog? needs and symptoms and take them to a credible pet hospital near you. Take care of your pet? hygiene and keep them safe this summer.