

CGS Hospital Observership Essay

20 Jan 2020

I am a seventeen year old high school student, hoping to pursue veterinary medicine as my future career. I wanted to know what I was stepping into and wished to gain some experience about this field. I came across CGS Hospital on the internet and applied for an observership/internship. Thankfully I was accepted by Dr.Salisha, who is an amazing vet and teacher. She introduced me to the different fields which veterinary medicine entails like veterinary preventive health care, nutrition, radiology, grooming etc.

I saw a large variety of cases, ranging from routine vaccinations and ear infections to automobile injuries and kidney failure. I learnt about different types of illnesses, their causes and management, as well as the precautions to be taken before beginning with any procedure. One thing I noticed was that no matter the severity of problem, the doctors always maintained their calm while handling the animal. With the owner concerned and the pet also being under stress, I realized that it was very important for the vet to have a composed and professional demeanor.

Each day I explored different aspects of this field. I was in the laboratory with Dr.Samprikta, where I learnt about different methods of laboratory testing and also attempted making a blood sample slide. I worked with Dr.Shriman who taught me about ophthalmology and the various instruments used. I also visited the Pasha Wing with Dr.Ravi, which is a wonderful part of CGS Hospital and I hope it keeps benefitting innumerable stray animals.

I have always had a keen interest in animals. Since I was a child, I have done whatever I could for them by rescuing several birds, dogs and even a cow. Becoming a vet always seemed like the right choice for me and working here has made me realize that the animal's well being should be the topmost priority of the owner as well as the vet. I would like to thank Dr.Mahendran for giving me the opportunity to learn from this hospital.

A very special thanks to Dr. Salisha and Dr. John who truly helped me understand things better, answered all my questions and explained everything to me in detail. Thankyou so much for teaching me! My knowledge about animal healthcare has increased many fold and doing this observership really taught me a lot. My sincerest gratitude to all the veterinarians at CGS Hospital.

- Meha Ahuja