Two adult dogs were presented to CGS hospital, Gurgaon with a history of haematuria, recurrent urinary tract infection, and vomition. Haematology, urine analysis, abdominal radiography, and ultrasonography were performed. Ultrasound revealed hyperechoic cortical region, no demarcation between cortex and medulla, cranial subcapsular fluid accumulation and right renomegaly in one case and irregular left the renal capsule, hypoechoic cortical echogenicity pushed by highly dilated medullary region with echogenic fluid content.
Tortuous and dilated left ureter in one case. Unilateral nephrectomy was performed under gaseous anesthesia in both cases. Aggressive intravenous fluid therapy, antibiotics, analgesics, and supportive medication were given. Affected kidney histopathology revealed renal carcinoma(1) and pyelonephritis (1). Both dogs recovered uneventfully.