Case Of The Month

Case Of The Month

Angel overcame obstacles with care and precision at CGS Hospital

Angel, the beloved 3-year-old Golden Retriever, arrived at CGS Hospital with a number of concerning symptoms: hematuria, inappetence, abdominal pain, hematochezia, and troubling episodes of vomiting plastic pieces. Through meticulous examination and ultrasound, a hidden culprit was unveiled: a foreign body lodged in the small intestine, causing distressing complications.

With swift decision-making, our skilled team embarked on a life-saving abdominal surgery. Amidst the procedure, unexpected challenges surfaced in the form of blood clots, demanding quick thinking and precise action. Through perseverance and expertise, the foreign body was successfully navigated into the colon, paving the way for Angel's recovery.

Post-surgery, a thorough esophago-gastscopy provided further reassurance, revealing no lingering foreign bodies or ulcers. Angel's journey at CGS Hospital embodies our commitment to compassionate care and unwavering dedication to every precious life we touch.